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taking and editing photos of your family

You don't have to be a professional photographer to take great pictures of your family, your friends, and your surroundings. Many point and shoot cameras have different settings that you can use for different types of photos. Do you know how to use those settings and how to use the other more advanced settings on your camera? Our blog presents you with basic tips for taking the best possible pictures in all kinds of settings. We have included tips for editing the photos that you take to improve their appearance and helping you create photos that you are proud to display.


Want Photos Done At A Family Reunion? 3 Tips For Hiring A Photographer

26 December 2018
 Categories: , Blog

When you're planning a large family reunion, it's likely that there will be a lot of family members that you haven't seen in a long time. If this is the case, it's a good idea to have professional photographs taken to capture the moment. While getting professional shots taken of the family reunion can be a great idea, there are several things that you'll want to take care of to make sure that you hire the right photographer and ensure that everyone is comfortable. Read More …

Pros And Cons Of Shooting Headshots In A Studio

22 October 2018
 Categories: , Blog

When you have a client who needs headshots taken, one of the first decisions that you'll need to make is whether or not you'll rent studio space. Doing so makes sense for a lot of reasons, but another option to meet the client outside or at his or her place of work to shoot the headshots there. If you're leaning toward setting up the photo shoot to take place in a studio, here are some pros and cons to think about. Read More …

Why It’s Necessary To Have A Professional-Caliber Safety Video For Your Company

18 September 2018
 Categories: , Blog

If you run a company that has staff who work in hazardous roles, it's imperative for you to make safety a top priority. Safety inspections, up-to-date equipment, and training can all make your workplace safer for your employees. Where training is concerned, having a safety video can complement the other training that you offer. Many companies use safety videos as a way to improve their employees' understanding of workplace safety. Instead of attempting to produce this video yourself, it's a good idea to partner with a video production company. Read More …

How To Make The Most Out Of Your Tanzania Photo Safari Tour

25 July 2018
 Categories: , Blog

You have decided to take a photo safari in Africa, and you have chosen Tanzania as your destination of choice. Tanzania offers gorgeous vistas across the Serengeti that creates a perfect backdrop for wildlife photography, plus its national parks and volcano features make it a favorite spot for photo safaris. How can you make the most of your Tanzania photo safari? If you follow a few tips, you are sure to come back with great memories as well as pictures. Read More …

Make A Shot List Before Putting Your Drone In The Sky

28 June 2018
 Categories: , Blog

When you're filming with a drone, you never want to review your footage at home afterward and realize you failed to get a critical still image or video clip. Often, returning to the area and putting your drone back in the sky won't work, as the lighting will be different and any additional footage that you get won't match what you shot earlier. It's important for your pre-flight routine to include taking a few minutes to put together and review a shot list. Read More …